Carbon Monoxide’s Impact on Indoor Air Quality

March 12, 2020

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that prevents our bodies from effectively using oxygen. It is extremely toxic and can cause serious illness or death when at high levels. The only way to detect the gas is through a carbon monoxide detector. This is something all families should be concerned about in regard to indoor air quality. How Is Carbon Monoxide Introduced Into a Home? Your home’s indoor air quality can be affected by CO through multiple sources, including your: Gas-fueled heating system Wood fireplace or stove

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How Does a Heating System Work?

February 13, 2020

Buildings in the U.S. with central heating systems generally rely upon either furnaces or heat pumps. Furnaces are common in northern regions while heat pumps are more often found throughout the southern states. At locally owned and operated Gulf Shore Cooling, LLC in Fort Meyers, FL, our licensed and insured technicians have the skills and the equipment to work on both types of systems. How Thermostats Work Both furnaces and heat pumps depend upon thermostats for regulation. Traditional thermostats are wall dials connected to a wire that connects with your heat source. Within those dials are bimetallic

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Why Is Indoor Air Quality Important?

January 5, 2020

Gulf Shore Cooling, LLC is the place residents of Fort Myers call when they have a problem with the temperature in their homes. Our skilled technicians can handle any heating or cooling system issues. However, we also know that there is more to your home comfort than the thermostat setting. If there is a problem with your indoor air quality, it can have a serious impact on you and your family. Common Household Impurities When the sun streams through your window, you may see bits of dust floating around in the light. This kind of dust is a mixture

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